Selasa, 28 Agustus 2018

Face Whitening Cream B Erl Cosetics Bestsellers

Face Whitening Cream B Erl Cosmetics Bestsellers Now I want to continue sharing the material yesterday — yesterday.

So yesterday was right material irregularities about the sale of the best-selling sweet and how the principle of selling in large quantities. .

We start Yes. .

But before, I will not get tired of mengulang-ngulang sentence. .
That Selling is the result.

There is a result, sure there Is. .

I repeated restarting his sentence. So you can be the point. .
B Erl Cosetics
In demand is a result of
In demand is a result of
In demand is a result of
In demand is a result of
In demand is a result of

Hehe. . : grin:

I used to get confused and wonder.
Kok ya can jualannya bestselling * many times? *

B Erl CoseticsLines underline the word berkali-kalinya. .

Many times, that is to say not one time.
Interestingly, it was not just one person who could be like that. .

Many people can jualannya in demand many times over.

If the man lot, and repeated. It means * ANYONE * could do it. .

I finally figure out the secret.
Looking for know what cause why be like that.

And finally the most important factor of one ketemulah.

Still remember the formula, the area of the bestselling below?
* (TP) x (XF) x (JP) *

TP mean Target market
XF means X Factor

things above I described in previous sharing.
You can read the reset if not familiar. : blush:

Well, it turns out that when 2 things above meet (JP), then * BOOOOMMMM!!!! *
Get ready, anyone can jualannya laris manis. 

Beneran lho. . I had to prove myself.

B Erl CoseticsTo be honest, Diluaran there are a lot of outstanding sales mostly science explains the problem of technique.
It is this technique, a technique that is.

Whereas techniques will * MAXIMIZE * the results of the sale, but NOT * that * that makes the sale.

Once again. .
That makes selling a bestseller, not technique.

If the technique, then that no school can not so successful entrepreneur.
In fact ... Many also Collège entrepreneurs tuh is not high but it can be managed.

If the technique that makes the sale. Emak-emak ascertained then that admit gaptek and got the same pile of laundry Affairs can't sale the best-selling sweet.
But as it turns out, many are now also emak-emak the lho jualannya. .

Yes, not his most important factor techniques. 

The biggest secret that makes best-selling sales it is (JP)

JP stands for * NUMBER of PROSPECTS *

My teacher always told
*  "As much as anything the number of prospects that we have, for that is the potential sale which we will get you" *

B Erl CoseticsNumber of prospects is * CAPITAL *

If the amount is a bit, then automatically the results a bit.
If the amount is a lot of possibility result can be many.

Selling is simple math.
Sale to 10 people, certainly the results differently in the appeal of selling to 1000 people.

* Continue to what to do? *

I'll say it clearly.

Note that you consider big business diluaran there.
If their sales are great, it's because of the amount of their prospects is also great. .

The prospect is interested and come to our business.

Remember, prospects * come * ONLY

The principle is ...
Not all who came to listen.
The listening is not necessarily all interested.
Not all who are interested ask.
The Inquirer is not necessarily all want to transfer.
Who wish to transfer is not necessarily all so buy.

That's selling. .
Come, listen, intrigued, asked, deal, so the buyer.
There is a process. . And the process is conical.

The amount of the purchase, of course * LESS * of the amount came from.

B Erl CoseticsWell, if we are to successfully collect a little??
Segitulah our sale results. . : sweat_smile:

My teacher would be this hard. ..
The words he
_ *  "Don't expect large sale results from a number of prospects are a little bit you" * _

Who frequently tuh so?
Pingin jualannya high, but adds the prospect of lazy?
Hehe. .

Face Whitening Cream B Erl Cosetics The principle is simple, but if you apply it in your business, for the Almighty, you will feel that your business will get better over time.

If the number of prospects we are 10 people, then buy under it.

If the number of prospects we are 100 people, then the purchase under it.

If the number of prospects we 1000 people, then the purchase under it.
